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Huge Squid Discovered At Wellington's South Coast Beach New Zealand

How Rare Do We Get To See Such a Gigantic Squid?

An Enormous Squid was discovered, washed up ashore at Wellington's South Coast Beach New Zealand on the early morning on 26th August 2018, a pity by the time a Scuba Diver seen it, it had already died, perhaps due to poisoning of waters or some other sickness causes. 

This piece of social media posting done by this diver, caused quite a stir on FB. Public is awed yet felt a tinge of pity that such a beautiful creature died. Not sure if how many same species of this squid of this size can be found in the seas and oceans of the World. 

Can a Human Diver see Such Gigantic Squid while Scuba diving underwater?

Human divers are incredibly unlikely to encounter a giant squid in the water, due to the fact that the squid live far deeper than a human diver could ever safely reach. That’s probably for the best, since a creature of this size could easily manhandle a human if it were to mistake it as possible prey.

Sailors used to share tales of “sea monsters” with massive tentacles that could drag an entire ship and its crew down to the ocean depths. These stories were long thought to be nothing more than fever dreams of rum-soaked sea farers, but in the past few decades scientists have discovered evidence that they might have been at least partially based in fact. Now, an example of a true sea monster has washed up on the shores of New Zealand, and it’s an incredible sight.

The creature is a giant squid, and it was discovered by a trio of brothers who accidentally stumbled across it while heading out for a morning swim. The squid, which was found on a particularly remote section of beachfront, has since been collected by scientists.

Giant squids live far below the ocean surface. Some of the first specimens of the species came thanks to fishermen who would accidentally snag them in their nets, but those remains were usually mangled. Every once in a while a body of a squid will appear on a beach, like this one in New Zealand, but a specimen in as good of condition as this one is pretty rare.

Because giant squid are reclusive by nature, spotting a live one is incredibly hard to do. It wasn’t until a research mission in 2004 that a live giant squid was even captured on video, much less studied in its natural habitat. Giant squid are known to top 40 feet in length, but their size is actually dwarfed by an even larger species, commonly known as the colossal squid. Colossal squid have been measured at up to 46 feet, but because so few examples exist it’s hard for scientists to estimate a maximum size.

Image provided by a trio brothers whom have discovered and posted some photos taken of the Gigantic Squid on Social Media FB, credit of photos to them. 

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