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Practicing Sustainability – in the interest of Future Generations

Practicing Sustainability – in the interest of Future Generations

All companies should strive to work in their best practices like Siemens and Siemens Singapore needs a lot of human manpower to work on and delivery their expertise for all their top potential projects. Should you be seeking for a new job, Siemens Singapore is a great company where one can consider working for... 

Download the Free Report on Siemens Sustainability Information 2017 - 2019 @ this link :…/…/home/company/sustainability.html

Siemens Singapore is one of a good MNCs in Singapore where the company not only practices Sustainability but also focus on many others aspects of human rights, working on major vast Eco Green projects, and China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” which is reviving the concept behind the ancient Silk Road. Also, working so busy everyday in and out, to also improve Digital experience for its users and customer clientele etc.. 

The Initiative’s goal is to develop cross-border trade corridors that benefit around 90 countries. 

With Siemens' Environmental Portfolio and our own environmental programs, we make an important contribution to resource and climate protection and strengthen the competitiveness of our customers.

Siemens is supporting this gigantic infrastructure project with internationally proven solutions and local know-how.

Today, around 90 countries already join the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) so that they can participate in the planned investments and thus realize their own overdue infrastructure projects, as well as gaining greater access to increasingly globalized markets. East Africa was part of the Silk Road in antiquity, and it has been obvious – at least since Latin America’s official entry into the BRI during the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2018 – that in the 21st century the narrative of the Silk Road will become broader, more inclusive, and more comprehensive.

Check out our sustainability report and see how we create value for customers, employees and societies. Taking the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development as our guiding reference, we leverage our expertise in the areas of electrification, automation and digitalization to improve the lives of people today and create lasting value for future generations.

Our sustainability initiatives are an essential aspect of successfully implementing the Siemens Strategy Program Vision 2020. Our understanding of sustainability is fully based on our company values – responsible, excellent, innovative. At Siemens, we define sustainable development as the means to achieve profitable and long-term growth. In doing so, we, externally, align ourselves with the goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development while, internally, striving to balance people, environment and profit.

With Siemens' Environmental Portfolio and our own environmental programs, we make an important contribution to resource and climate protection and strengthen the competitiveness of our customers.

Conservation of resources
Product stewardship
People & society

We put people front and center. We promote the safety, education and well-being of our employees through a multitude of programs, and we are committed to the sustainable development of society.

Health management
Corporate citizenship
Arts and culture
Responsible business practices

Our sustainable business practices are based on integrity, fairness, transparency, and responsibility. This is our aspiration.

Sustainable supply chain
Human rights

Business to Society

With the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as our global reference, we strive to generate lasting value for societies and make real what matters. We developed the “Business to Society” methodology to assess and measure Siemens’ impact on a project, site, country, and on the global level. This insight allows us to effectively contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more about our methodology and results from around the world.

Regulations and reporting channels

The Business Conduct Guidelines contain the basic principles and rules governing the way we act within our company and in relation to our partners and the general public. 

They include the requirement to comply with applicable laws at all times.

Siemens shows zero tolerance toward corruption, violations of the principles of fair competition and other breaches of the law – and where these do occur, we take swift action. This applies worldwide and at all levels of the organization.

We provide various ways for internal and external parties to report any compliance violations. Tell Us, the Ombudsman and accounting complaints are protected channels that Siemens employees and external stakeholders can use to raise concerns about possible violations, confidentially and if desired, also anonymously.

World Cities Summit 2018

At the 6th World Cities Summit, themed ‘Liveable & Sustainable Cities: Embracing the Future through Innovation and Collaboration’, let us explore how cities can become more liveable and resilient through digital technologies. And how to co-create integrated urban solutions for a more sustainable future.

Digital transformation of cities: How to unlock the potential

Over the past decades, cities have started integrating smart solutions into their infrastructure systems in order to optimize performance and make their infrastructure work harder, safer and more efficiently. To a large degree these upgrades have been deployed within vertical silos.

Finding new ways of interconnecting the complex layers and silos of a city’s infrastructure and to generate insights from the data provided by smart sensors installed throughout a city will be key to unlock its untapped potential. This new generation of cities is fully IoT-enabled and run on smart platforms like Siemens’ cloud-based IoT operating system MindSphere.

These powerful open systems can connect various city infrastructure layers, such as energy, water, transport, security, buildings, healthcare and others. They are capable of managing large quantities of data by using data analytics capabilities and as a result of those data-led insights can issue preventive as well as prescriptive measures for a city’s infrastructure.

#SustainablePractices #SiemensSingapore #MNCInSingapore

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