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Australian Government has now listed Polar Bears as Threatened And Endangered Species

Marine biologists say at current rate polar bears, penguins could disappear by 2100 - Oceanic warming threatens polar wildlife with extinction - Sob Sob ...

Australian Government has now listed Polar Bears as Threatened And Endangered Species, Now Launch New Regulations To Protect The Remaining Polar Bears Left on Planet - Only 30,000 Polar Bears Left... 

How many Penguins and Animals in Arctic and Antarctica Regions are also being Threatened And Their Loss of Habitats due to Global Warming and Climate Change, not forgetting some inhumane humans hunting them down and killing them? 

Polar bears are the largest bear known to man. They are now under threat by our changing environment. Polar bears were added to the list of threatened species and will receive special protection under U.S. law. The greatest threat to the bears is the melting of ice in the Arctic.

Polar bears live in the Arctic and hunt seals and other fatty marine mammals from sea ice. They also travel, mate, and sometimes give birth on the ice. But sea ice is melting as the planet warms, and it is predicted to continue to do so for several more decades.

The U.S. classifies the polar bear as a marine mammal, which means that the bear’s new threatened status will not stop people from exploring for oil in its habitat. Importing polar bear products from Canada (where trophy hunting is legal) will be banned.

Saving the polar bear will depend on international cooperation. People need to work together to save the polar bear.

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