
Dive into the Seas and Oceans

A collection of inspiring news from SCUBA Diving Community

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Should We Ban The Use Of Plastics?

We Think that the CRUX of the Problem is to tell People/Public not to throw any Rubbish or Plastics into the Oceans, and use less Plastics, do more Recycling, Reduce and Reuse on the stuff which can be done so... Use Eco Bags instead while doing their groceries shopping...

KFC is good to promote the non use of Straws, but they are still offering Customers Plastic cups, and also the plastic cover for yoghurts etc.. Think promoting metal straws is great effort and good project, but somehow still hasn't fully tackle the entire OCEAN Plastics problem yet... 

I went to speak to KFC and Macdonalds etc.. staff that everything should changed to non plastic instead and IKEA is already converting all their plastics items to another kind of bio-degradable materials... 

Not just that, Supermarkets are selling fresh fruits and veggies, slices of fishes and prawns etc.. all wrapped in plastics, have also went to communicate with the staff of Supermarkets, but they told me this has to start tackling from the Suppliers whom are suppliers these foods... However, these fresh fruits, veggies, fishes and seafood Suppliers do not know what other kind of materials they can use in order to wrap up these food, items and sell to consumers/public shopping in supermarkets. 

#EcoFriendly #SustainablePractices #BannPlastics


#20ReasonsWhyWeShouldBanPlastics #TackleCruxOfProblem

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