
Dive into the Seas and Oceans

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In Conservation

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'The Numbers Are Just Horrendous.' Almost 30,000 Species Face Extinction Because of Human Activity

'The Numbers Are Just Horrendous.' Almost 30,000 Species Face Extinction Because of Human Activity

Rhino Rays pushed to critically endangered...

Wedgefishes and giant guitarfishes that are collectively known as Rhino Rays are now the most endangered marine fish families in the world, according to IUCN. 

Fifteen Rhino Ray species were added to the Red List’s critically endangered category, only one category away from extinct in the wild. In total, 16 species of Rhino Rays were assessed. One type of Rhino Ray, the Shark Ray, has declined in population by 80% over the last 40 years.

IUCN says Rhino Ray meat is sold locally, and fins are cut to sell internationally for shark fin soup, but most are caught with other fish during unregulated coastal fishing. 

Unregulated and illegal fishing is a global-scale issue that has effected several fish populations as the global demand for seafood rises.

“We really have to up our game because we have numbers of species from sharks to rays that are headed toward extinction from fishery,” Hannah says. “We know that we’ve been late to the game to get marine protected areas and other conservation measures in place in the marine realm.”

Rhino Ray species can be found from the Indian and West Pacific Oceans and the East Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), they have low reproductive rates, making them more vulnerable to extinction.

We Really Do Not Deserve This Planet to call this Planet Our Home... Really have so so so much to do, before there can be peace, love, compassion and stability in the world.

There should be police and law involved to arrest and punish those people involved in the killing of wildlife and marine life, all these should and must be stopped. No more inhumane killings already !!! ~ And its all because of human activity, shouldn't humans be ashamed of themselves for what they have done to this planet? To these wild and marine animals?

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